Mark Siebert
iFranchise Group
Franchising vs. Alternative Growth Strategies
About Mark Siebert
Author of Franchise Your Business, and a franchise business consultant since 1985, Mark Siebert founded the iFranchise Group in 1998 as an organization dedicated to developing long-term relationships with successful franchisor clientele. He has worked with hundreds of franchisors, from start-up operations to corporate giants, and is an expert in evaluating companies for franchisability, structuring franchise offerings, and developing franchise programs.
Are you ready to grow but don’t know which strategy is best for you? Franchising your business is a dynamic method of expanding, but is not right for everyone. This seminar will help you understand various growth alternatives and whether franchising should be a part of your long-term plan. Discussions will also help business owners gain a thorough understanding of what is involved in terms of resources, costs, and personnel. Alternatives examined will include company-owned growth, business opportunities and licensing, joint ventures, dealers and distributorships, and franchising. This session will also include measuring the advantages and disadvantages of alternative strategies versus the advantages of franchising.